I have always enjoy reading about history, especially American history. I want to pass along my interest in learning about the past to my kids and have already read a bookshelf of historical books to my daughter and son. Thus, when recently offered the chance to review a copy of If You Were Me and Lived in … Colonial America written by Carole P. Roman and illustrated by Sarah Wright in exchange for my honest opinion, I eagerly accepted the opportunity to add to my home library.
If You Were Me and Lived in … Colonial America currently retails for $14.99 on Amazon. For a non-fiction book with over fifty pages of historical information, I consider the price very reasonable. Other similar children’s books cost around the same price, and I would definitely pay $14.99 to add this informative book to my children’s bookshelves.
Author and Illustrator
Carol P. Roman is the award-winning author of both the Captain No Beard and If You Were Me and Lived in … series. She started writing as a dare from one of her sons. Captain No Beard has been named to Kirkus Best of 2012, received the Star of Exceptional Merit, and won the Pinnacle Award for 2012. Her If You Were Me and Lived in … books combine her teaching past with her love of exploration and interest in the world around her. Roman lives on Long Island with her husband and near her children.
Sarah Wright began illustrating her own books as soon as she could hold a pencil. With the support of her parents, she combined her passion for art and story to pursue a career in art as a graphic designer and illustrator. Wright currently lives in Vancouver, British Columbia.
At 64 pages long, If You Were Me and Lived in … Colonial America contains page after page of information about life during Colonial America. The book starts in London and follows the Puritans to the Dutch Netherlands and finally to the American colonies. The text is meant for slightly older readers, buy my four-year-old daughter still sat through my reading the entire book aloud to her. The book covers historical information pertinent to Colonial America including the trip over on the Mayflower, religious challenges, clothing typically worn, food grown and eaten, and the creation of settlements. This book is jam-packed full of information about the times and people of Colonial America.
Unlike a straightforward history book, however, the text of If You Were Me and Lived in … Colonial America presents history through the eyes of a child. The reader can imagine him- or herself as the boy in the book who comes to call early America is home. Questions asked throughout the text also invoke critical thinking. What do names like Comfort and Patience reveal about the society of Colonial America? The last few pages additionally include a handful of short biographies about information people from the time period and a glossary of terms. I foresee myself using this book with my children during future homeschool lessons on American history, and I am definitely interested in buying more titles from the An Introduction to Civilizations Throughout Time series of If You Were Me and Lived in … books.
I quite enjoy the illustrations from Sarah Wright in If You Were Me and Lived in … Colonial America. The cartoon pictures bring the story to life without feeling too cartoonish. The style almost resembles a graphic novel or comic books, which may engage readers who are otherwise uninterested in learning about American history. Both my preschooler and toddler like looking at the pictures as I read the text aloud. My son enjoys pointing out objects that are familiar to him, so, even though the information is still beyond his learning level, he still enjoys flipping through the pages. My daughter also remains interested in the book for longer because she can look at the illustrations as I read the text out loud to her.
Final Verdict
If you are a fellow homeschooling mom or are simply shopping for a good about early American history for your child, I definitely recommend If You Were Me and Lived in … Colonial America written by Carole P. Roman and illustrated by Sarah Wright. At $14.99 for 64 pages, I consider the price very reasonable for a non-fiction children’s book. The book covers historical information pertinent to Colonial America including the trip over on the Mayflower, religious challenges, clothing typically worn, food grown and eaten, and the creation of settlements. Unlike a straightforward history book, however, the text of If You Were Me and Lived in … Colonial America presents history through the eyes of a child. Questions asked throughout the text also invoke critical thinking. The cartoon pictures bring the story to life without feeling too cartoonish. I foresee myself using this book with my children during future homeschool lessons on American history!
Purchase If You Were Me and Lived in … Colonial America on Amazon via my affiliate link.
Image Credits
‘If You Were Me and Lived in … Colonial America’ Book Review © 2016 Heather Johnson
Cover of ‘If You Were Me and Lived in … Colonial America’ © 2016 Heather Johnson
Inside Page of ‘If You Were Me and Lived in … Colonial America’ 1 © 2016 Heather Johnson
Inside Page of ‘If You Were Me and Lived in … Colonial America’ 2 © 2016 Heather Johnson
Inside Page of ‘If You Were Me and Lived in … Colonial America’ 3 © 2016 Heather Johnson
Inside Page of ‘If You Were Me and Lived in … Colonial America’ 4 © 2016 Heather Johnson