How to Make a Christmas Duck-oration Wreath

How to Make a Christmas Duck-oration Wreath

How to Make a Christmas Duck-oration Wreath

When I bought a box full of rubber ducks from Oriental Trading last year for my daughter for Christmas, I had no idea that the ducks were not recommended for children under the age of three due to the composition of the plastic until my order arrived. When I opened the box, I discovered the age warning. Instead of giving her the Oriental Trading ducks for Christmas, I went out and bought my daughter a bunch of Munchkin and Infantino ducks instead. However, I was still left with a box of non-baby safe rubber ducks including some Christmas ducks.

After contemplating the fate of my unusable ducks for a while, I realized that I could make some cute crafts with the ducks. My daughter could then safely look at the holiday ducks from a distance. And my mega purchase would not go to waste! After some thought and consideration, I decided to make holiday wreaths with the rubber ducks. I could easily hang the wreaths up and out of reach of my daughter. Plus I love the look of wreaths during the holidays!

How to Make a Christmas Duck-oration Wreath

If you too love rubber ducks, here are my simple instructions for making a Christmas duck-oration wreath.



Straw Wreath and Christmas Rubber Ducks Christmas Rubber Ducks

Using the fishing line and needle, sew the rubber ducks onto the straw wreath. You may find that poking starter holes in the rubber ducks with the safety pin makes pushing the needle through easier. You may also find that using the pliers to pull the needle through also makes sewing through the ducks easier.

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Sewing Christmas Rubber Ducks onto the Straw Wreath 1 Sewing Christmas Rubber Ducks onto the Straw Wreath 2

I sewed the ducks onto the wreath by making two separate stitches through the bottom of each duck. The two stitches secured the ducks firmly to the wreath. A single stitch left the duck a little too wobbly, so I opted for two stitches to sew the ducks on tightly.

Sewing Christmas Rubber Ducks onto the Straw Wreath 3 Sewing Christmas Rubber Ducks onto the Straw Wreath 4

Sewing Christmas Rubber Ducks onto the Straw Wreath 5 Sewing Christmas Rubber Ducks onto the Straw Wreath 6

I had two dozen Christmas rubber ducks, so I sewed a ring of ducks around the wreath’s face and then a second ring around the inside.

Christmas Garland and the Rubber Duck Wreath Hot Gluing the Christmas Garland to the Straw Wreath

After sewing the rubber ducks onto the wreath, use hot glue to attach the garland to the wreath. Weave the garland around the ducks. Glue the garland as necessary to ensure a firm attachment. I opted for a festive red and green garland, but you can use any Christmas garland.

Wrapping the Christmas Garland Around the Wreath 1 Wrapping the Christmas Garland Around the Wreath 2

After the hot glue dries, display your Christmas duck-oration wreath.

Wrapping the Christmas Garland Around the Wreath 3 Christmas Duck-oration Wreath

Merry Christmas!

Image Credits

How to Make a Christmas Duck-oration Wreath © 2013 Heather Johnson
How to Make a Christmas Duck-oration Wreath © 2013 Heather Johnson
Straw Wreath and Christmas Rubber Ducks © 2003 Heather Johnson
Christmas Rubber Ducks © 2013 Heather Johnson
Sewing Christmas Rubber Ducks onto the Straw Wreath 1 © 2013 Heather Johnson
Sewing Christmas Rubber Ducks onto the Straw Wreath 2 © 2013 Heather Johnson
Sewing Christmas Rubber Ducks onto the Straw Wreath 3 © 2013 Heather Johnson
Sewing Christmas Rubber Ducks onto the Straw Wreath 4 © 2013 Heather Johnson
Sewing Christmas Rubber Ducks onto the Straw Wreath 5 © 2013 Heather Johnson
Sewing Christmas Rubber Ducks onto the Straw Wreath 6 © 2013 Heather Johnson
Christmas Garland and the Rubber Duck Wreath © 2013 Heather Johnson
Hot Gluing the Christmas Garland to the Straw Wreath © 2013 Heather Johnson
Wrapping the Christmas Garland Around the Wreath 1 © 2013 Heather Johnson
Wrapping the Christmas Garland Around the Wreath 2 © 2013 Heather Johnson
Wrapping the Christmas Garland Around the Wreath 3 © 2013 Heather Johnson
Christmas Duck-oration Wreath © 2013 Heather Johnson

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