Paper Plate Elephant Craft

Heather Johnson

Making crafts is a great way to engage little learners. For our lesson on the letter E, my daughter and I made an adorably simple paper plate elephant.


  • Paper plate
  • Colored paper
  • Wiggle eyes
  • Paint
  • Paintbrush
  • Scissors
  • Glue


  1. Paint the paper plate.
  2. Cut the colored paper into a triangle, two rectangles, a semicircle, and a crescent.
  3. Glue the shapes onto the paper plate to form the tail, legs, ear, and trunk of the elephant.
  4. Glue a wiggle eye onto the paper plate between the ear and trunk.

Paper Plate Elephant Craft

For another fun elephant craft, try my E Is for Elephant Handprint Craft.

Image Credits

Paper Plate Elephant Craft © 2015 Heather Johnson

See also  Torn Paper Fire Craft