Although I loved dolls and other “girl” toys as a kid, I also frequently played with male action figures with my brothers. Now with my daughter and son, I provide the same types of play opportunities. Both kids have and play with “girl” toys and “boy” toys. Unfortunately, the toy industry is not quite up to speed yet on the idea that toys are for all kids, not just one gender or the other. Consequently, finding female versions of traditionally “boy” toys like action figures is fairly difficult. Thus, when Christy Komnick, one of the owners of The School Shop, offered me the chance to review some new IAmElemental female action figures, I quickly accepted the opportunity. I received Persistence, Bravery, and Energy from Series #1/Courage to review in exchange for my honest opinion.
About IAmElemental
IAmElemental is commited to inspiring girls (and boys) to be their best, most powerful selves by sharing examples of real world heroism. The company is founded on the premise that everyone is already a superhero and that we hold all the superpowers ever wanted or needed inside us already. IAmElemental spent a lot of time ensuring that its action figures represent a forward-thinking design and engineering sensibility beyond what is typically found in products geared toward girls. The female action figures are designed for imaginative, active play.
IAmElemental female action figures currently retail for $10.99 to $14.99 each depending on the specific character on Amazon. The complete set of all seven Series #1/Courage action figures retails for $65 on the IAmElemental website and $85 on Amazon. Compared to other similarly-sized action figures, the IAmElemental characters cost slightly more on average. However, the female action figures fill a void in a male-centric market, and the price per figure is not unreasonable. If my daughter ends up wanted more action figures, I would definitely consider buying more IAmElemental female action figures at the current retail price.
Each IAmElemental character comes with a four-inch articulated action figure, two accessories (shield and removable accessory), two trading cards, and a drawstring carrying bag. Each figure has nine points of articulation that allows her to pose, stand, and sit without splaying her legs inappropriately; wears armor; has a removable accessory that speaks to her superpower; and can hold and identifying shield in her hand. Because of the small parts, IAmElemental action figures are not recommended for children under three years old.
My daughter already has a few action figures in her toy box, so the idea of a “girl superhero” intrigued her. She was super excited to play with her new Persistence, Bravery, and Energy IAmElemental female action figures from The School Shop. When I first gave her the three characters, she ended up spending almost an hour straight posing and playing with her new toys. She enjoyed learning the characters names and putting the shields on and off the figures.
Although my daughter is almost four, her little brother just turned one. He really wanted to play with his big sister as she played with her new IAmElemental female action figures. However, the small parts pose a serious choking hazard for him, so my daughter and I had to be extra careful to keep the figures away from him. The only downside that I can find with IAmElemental are the small parts. The heads of the figures easily pop off to allow for the removable accessories. The removable shields are also small. I instructed my daughter to play with her new toys on her play table, but she kept dropping the small pieces on the floor. If you have older kids and babies in your home, IAmElemental may require active supervision, but this complaint is minor and applies to any toy with small parts.
I absolutely love the idea of female action figures for girls (and boys). Because I have avoided pigeonholing my daughter with only “girl” toys, she thinks that her IAmElemental female action figures are a neat addition to her “boy superheros.” Having grown up without a huge selection of female action figures, I very much appreciate the message that IAmElemental delivers: “If you give a girl a different toy, she will tell a different story.” These female action figures represent a forward-thinking design and engineering sensibility beyond the features typically found in products geared toward girls. I love that, as my daughter (and son) grows up, she can play with an action figure that positively portrays females as strong and powerful.
My daughter and I both also love the colors of the IAmElemental female actions figures. The company intentionally selected a series of seven colors that have no relation to skin tone to avoid ethnicity playing a role in the way in which any individual power is defined or perceived. My daughter loves all the pink included in the color palate because her favorite color is pink. I like that the company intentionally avoided racializing the action figures.
Final Verdict
If you have a little girl (or boy) who enjoys playing with action figures, I highly recommend the IAmElemental female actions figures. Although the characters are priced a bit higher than other comparable action figures, the toys fills a hole in the market, namely the lack of positive, powerful females. My daughter loves playing with her Persistence, Bravery, and Energy figures. And I love the message that IAmElemental sends to children, especially young girls. Because of some small pieces that detach, the action figures are recommended for children over the age of three. Overall, my daughter and I both really like this toy. So, if you are searching for a gift this holiday season, definitely take a look at the IAmElemental female actions figures.
Image Credits
IAmElemental Female Action Figures Review © 2015 Heather Johnson
IAmElemental Female Action Figures in Packaging © 2015 Heather Johnson
IAmElemental Female Action Figure in Packaging © 2015 Heather Johnson
Opening the IAmElemental Female Action Figures © 2015 Heather Johnson
Persistence, Bravery, and Energy IAmElemental Female Action Figures 1 © 2015 Heather Johnson
Persistence, Bravery, and Energy IAmElemental Female Action Figures 2 © 2015 Heather Johnson
Persistence, Bravery, and Energy IAmElemental Female Action Figures 3 © 2015 Heather Johnson
Playing with Persistence, Bravery, and Energy IAmElemental Female Action Figures 1 © 2015 Heather Johnson
Playing with Persistence, Bravery, and Energy IAmElemental Female Action Figures 2 © 2015 Heather Johnson
Playing with Persistence, Bravery, and Energy IAmElemental Female Action Figures 3 © 2015 Heather Johnson