When my oldest was born almost six years ago, my cat and dog were a little disgruntled by the addition of another small thing in the house that took up a lot of my time and attention. When my second-born came along three years ago, my oldest dog was even more put out. ‘How dare Mommy get a second dog and then another baby,’ I imagine him thinking. Since then, my family has added a second cat, a third dog, and a third child to the mix. When recently offered the chance to review Mommy, Baby, and Me written by Linda Eloitz Marshall and illustrated by Ged Adamson in exchange for my honest opinion, I eagerly accepted the opportunity to add a new title to my growing home library.
Currently residing on a farm in the Hudson River Valley with her husband, author Linda E. Marshall recalls that her first puppy, a black-and-white mutt, was not exactly a happy camper when she brought home her first baby. In the end, though, her baby and her dog became the best of friends. She has always loved words and learning about languages. She also enjoys writing, reading, and traveling. Learn more about the author at the Linda Marshall website.
While growing up in Liverpool, England, illustrator Ged Adamson enjoyed drawing and doodling. He especially enjoys drawing dogs and drew the dog in Mommy, Baby, and Me as a corgi, not because the Queen of England has corgis, but because he really likes corgis. He currently resides in London with Helen and his son Rex. Learn more about the illustrator at the Ged Adamson website.
A long time ago, it was just Mommy and me.
We were very good friends.
We did everything together.
It was very nice.
But then…things changed.
Recommended for readers between the ages of 2 and 5, Mommy, Baby, and Me tells the story of a dog whose world is turned upside-down when his human brings home a new baby. Told from the first-person point-of-view of the dog, the humorous story tells the tale of the adjustment that a family dog must go through upon the arrival of a new noisy, smelly, furless creature who is hogging all the attention. The story especially appeals to young readers who are also adjusting to the arrival of a new sibling including my own daughter and son. The full-color hardcover book with dust jacket measures 8.75 inches wide by 11.25 inches high and currently costs $16.99 on Amazon.
If your family is about to gain a new sibling, Mommy, Baby, and Me is the perfect book to use to introduce younger children to the idea of a new baby in the house. The addition of a baby into the family can be especially stressful for the littlest big brothers and sisters, who often feel displaced. Young readers can related to the dog in the story as he first loses the undivided attention of his mommy to a new baby but then gains a new friend in the end. With the arrival of my third, my daughter and son found Mommy, Baby, and Me especially appealing as a new addition to our home library.
My kids, ages 3 and 5, love listening to me read Mommy, Baby, and Me aloud. The text is perfect for young readers in the recommended age group of 2 to 5. My daughter, who has been reading on her own for almost two years now, can also easily read the book by herself. The illustrations are absolutely adorable and bring the sweet story to life. My preschooler son loves pointing at the dog throughout the entire book and the baby in the second half. The story is a definite new favorite in my house, especially with the addition of a third sibling.
Final Verdict
Recommended for readers between the ages of 2 and 5, Mommy, Baby, and Me written by Linda Eloitz Marshall with illustrations by Ged Adamson tells the story of a dog whose world is turned topsy-turvy when his human mommy brings home a new baby. The sweet and relatable story is the perfect book to use to introduce younger children to the idea of a new baby in the house. My own children, ages 3 and 5, love listening to me read the story aloud, and my daughter can easily read the book on her own. All three of us also enjoy the illustrations, which help bring the story to life. If your family is about to gain a new sibling, I highly recommend Mommy, Baby, and Me as an addition to your home library!
Purchase Mommy, Baby, and Me on Amazon via my affiliate link.
Image Credits
‘Mommy, Baby, and Me’ Book Review © 2017 Heather Johnson
Front Cover of ‘Mommy, Baby, and Me’ © 2017 Heather Johnson
Back Cover of ‘Mommy, Baby, and Me’ © 2017 Heather Johnson
Inside Pages of ‘Mommy, Baby, and Me’ 1 © 2017 Heather Johnson
Inside Pages of ‘Mommy, Baby, and Me’ 2 © 2017 Heather Johnson