How to Shop Safely with Your Kid from Infancy Through Childhood

How to Shop Safely with Your Kid from Infancy Through Childhood

How to Shop Safely with Your Kid from Infancy Through Childhood

National Safety Month is in full swing and with it comes a renewed focus on “reducing leading causes of injury and death at work, on the roads and in our homes.” As a parent, keeping your children safe is your top priority; however, some parents aren’t aware of the danger associated with improper shopping cart use and continue to precariously balance their infant carriers on top of the cart. This practice can result in serious injury — or even death — to your child.

According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), shopping carts are the leading cause of head injuries in young children — surpassing injuries from high chairs, strollers, changing tables, baby gates, and other equipment. The CPSC estimates that about 16,000 children under the age of five fall out of shopping carts each year and nearly 1,000 of those injuries involve falling infant carriers.

And the danger doesn’t end there. Despite appearances, infant carriers aren’t designed to fit on top of the cart; trying to force a fit can damage the car seat’s locking mechanism, making it less effective in an accident on the road.

Next time you’re at the grocery store, check out these products designed to help parents safely and conveniently shop with children of all ages:

Safe-Dock: The first car seat docking station for shopping carts, Safe-Dock securely contains infant carriers, allowing parents with children to conveniently transition from car to cart for a simpler and safer shopping experience. Safe-Dock undergoes extensive stability testing and is a great option for parents who aren’t comfortable babywearing. To find out if your local store offers Safe-Dock, visit If you don’t see the special carts at your preferred retailer, you can request them from your store manager via the website.

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Fall-Stop: Once your child ages out of Safe-Dock, he or she can transition to Fall Stop. An alternative to the traditional shopping cart seat belt, Fall Stop allows total upper body movement and is a great option for wriggly toddlers.


Shop-Along: Finally, your older children will love the Shop-Along, which allows you to keep your children securely seated during the shopping trip. No more running through the aisles or dangerously standing on the edge of the cart!


Whether you stick to babywearing, choose to shop with another adult, or use one of our products, the most important thing is exercising safe shopping habits not just during National Safety Month but all year long. Together we can reduce the number of injuries from carts so shopping remains as safe and convenient as possible for both children and their parents.

Image Credits

How to Shop Safely with Your Kid from Infancy Through Childhood © 2016 Safe-Dock
Safe-Dock © 2016 Safe-Dock
Fall-Stop © 2016 Safe-Dock
Shop-Along © 2016 Safe-Dock

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