What Doctors Are Saying About The Rise In Childhood Obesity

Jillian Christensen

Doctor with his patient
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Childhood obesity is on the rise and is becoming an epidemic in our country and worldwide. The consequences of childhood obesity affect long-term physical, emotional, and mental health.

The CDC estimates about 1 in 5 children – approximately 14.7 million – children and youth are obese in America. The World Health Organization (WHO) reported in a 2022 study that adolescent obesity has quadrupled worldwide since 1990.

While these numbers are staggering and the consequences severe, with the proper knowledge and tools, childhood obesity and its effects are preventable.

Childhood Obesity Defined

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According to The American Medical Association (AMA), a child is considered obese when their Body Mass Index (BMI) is in the 95th percentile or higher. BMI is a calculation that measures weight in relation to height.

The AMA has acknowledged in recent years that using BMI measurements alone “is an imperfect clinical measurement,” but it remains a valuable tool when assessing obesity risk.

It is also important to note that children’s BMI is calculated according to gender and age since our bodies change as we mature.

Pediatricians calculate BMI and other measurements using growth charts which track an individual’s growth over their childhood.

Risk Factors For Developing Obesity

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Several factors affect a child’s weight, including:

  • Genetics
  • Race
  • Diet
  • Amount of Physical Activity
  • Sleep
  • Stress levels
  • Socioeconomic Status

The CDC reports that Hispanic children have the highest incidence of childhood obesity, followed by non-Hispanic Black children and non-Hispanic White children. According to the CDC, the likelihood of childhood obesity increased as reported family income decreased, claiming that in families earning 130 percent or less of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL), 25.8 percent of children were obese.

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Changes in our culture’s food are another huge element in the development of obesity. The Obesity Action Coalition (OAC) reports “that approximately 40 to 50 percent of every dollar spent on food is spent on food outside the home in restaurants, cafeterias, sporting events, etc.” Increased intake of sugary beverages coupled with less physical activity and a more sedentary lifestyle contribute as well. The quality of our food, its ingredients, and portion sizes also play a role.

It is also important to keep in mind that excessive weight gain can be a side effect of certain medications as well as a symptom of other health issues. If you are concerned about your child’s weight and their general health, please consult their medical provider.

The Cost Of Obesity

Kid in hospital bed
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Obesity is expensive. It is physically costing the child and their long-term health and monetarily taxing on the health care system. According to the WHO, the most common physical health complications that can arise from childhood obesity are cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, increased risk for diabetes and insulin resistance, fatty liver disease, and chronic respiratory illnesses.

There is a mental and emotional health cost to obesity as well. The OAC reports that children who are obese are more likely to be bullied and face social discrimination. These, in turn, can cause a child to develop low self-esteem, depression, and eating disorders. Children who are obese are also more likely to be obese as adults.

Americans are paying for obesity with their wallets and tax dollars. “In 2019 dollars, the estimated annual medical cost of obesity among U.S. children was $1.3 billion,” reports the CDC.

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According to a study conducted by the National Institute for Health (NIH), they project that overweight adolescents will cost Americans “$13.62 billion in annual direct medical costs and $49.02 billion in annual indirect costs” by the year 2050.

Preventing And Treating Childhood Obesity

Girl making her first meal, spending time together with parents
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Prevention continues to be the best obesity treatment. Maintaining a healthy diet and active lifestyle are key components to a long and healthy life. Below are some simple steps you can take to help prevent childhood obesity.

  • A low-glycemic diet is recommended by Boston Children’s Hospital, it is based on slow-digesting whole foods, healthy fats and whole grains.
  • Reduce sugary beverages and treats.
  • Pay attention to portion sizes.
  • Teach older children how to read a nutrition label.
  • Begin slowly implementing physical activity for children who have not been previously active. Something as simple as walking 20 minutes daily together creates positive habits and builds endurance.
  • Experts recommend 60 minutes of daily physical activity for children, including bicycling, jump roping, and team sports. Break up physical activity into small batches to help keep your child excited and engaged.

Your child’s doctor may recommend working with other professionals, such as registered dieticians, therapists, or counselors. These professionals can help children who are struggling mentally and emotionally, implement any necessary behavior modifications, and help to build healthy lifelong habits.

Before starting any plans or making drastic changes, make sure to consult with your child’s doctor.