10 Signs Your Child Might Be Struggling With Oppositional Defiant Disorder and How To Handle It, According To A Therapist

Blair Nicole

Screaming boy closes his eyes and ears in protest. Emotion concept
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As a former therapist, I’ve always had mixed feelings about diagnostic labels. While they can sometimes feel limiting or even shaming, I recognize that they can also serve as helpful tools for understanding and treating certain patterns of behavior.

Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) is one such label. It describes a pattern of persistent defiance, frustration, and conflict that can be overwhelming for both the parent and the child. But it’s important to remember that these behaviors aren’t a reflection of the whole child. They often have deeper roots, with research linking them to factors like disorganized attachment, genetics, and certain parenting styles.

The good news? These patterns aren’t fixed; with patience and intentional effort, relationships can move toward greater connection and trust. Let’s explore ten common signs of ODD and practical, compassionate ways to support your child.

Frequent Anger or Irritability

Angry child
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Kids with ODD often seem to operate with a short fuse. They might snap over small inconveniences, yell when something doesn’t go their way, or seem generally irritable most of the time. These behaviors can leave parents feeling frustrated, drained, and unsure of how to help. It’s important to remember that beneath the surface; your child may be experiencing big emotions they don’t yet know how to manage.

How to Handle It:
The goal is to help your child regulate without escalating the situation. When anger flares, please resist the urge to meet it with your own frustration, which can reinforce your emotional state. Instead, step aside to regulate your own emotions first and then model compassion and empathy. Try saying, “I see you’re upset right now. I’m here to help you when you’re ready.”

Teaching emotional regulation tools like deep breathing or counting to ten can also be helpful. Once your child is calm, revisit the situation and discuss alternative ways to handle similar moments in the future. Empathy is key—acknowledge their feelings even if you don’t agree with their reaction. Over time, this consistent approach builds trust and teaches them to express their emotions without fear of punishment or rejection.


Family conflict between father and daughter.
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As the name implies, defiance may feel like your child’s default setting. Whether refusing to clean up toys, arguing about homework, or outright ignoring instructions, defiance often takes center stage with ODD. While this can be frustrating, it’s important to recognize that defiance may be your child’s way of asserting control in situations where they feel powerless or overwhelmed.

How to Handle It:
Reframe defiance as a sign that your child needs to feel heard. Instead of demanding compliance, try offering choices: “Would you like to brush your teeth before or after your bath?” Giving them a sense of control helps reduce resistance.

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Avoid power struggles; they rarely end well and often escalate the conflict. Instead, stay calm and consistent in your expectations. When they do comply, offer specific praise: “I appreciate how you listened and helped clean up your toys.” Building collaboration and trust takes time, but each small success reinforces their ability to cooperate in the future.

Blaming Others for Mistakes

Angry bossy boy pointing finger at someone
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A child with ODD may frequently point the finger at others when things go wrong. They might insist their sibling made the mess or claim the teacher is unfair when they get a poor grade. While this can be frustrating, it often stems from feelings of shame or a fear of judgment and rejection.

How to Handle It:
Avoid shaming them, as this can deepen their resistance and worsen the situation. Research suggests that shame is not an effective motivator for long-term change and can lead to withdrawal and low self-esteem.

Instead, model compassion and self-reflection by openly sharing your own mistakes. Normalize the idea that mistakes are part of learning and not a reflection of their worth. Encourage problem-solving by asking questions like, “What could we do differently next time?” Over time, this approach builds their confidence in taking responsibility without fear of blame or punishment.

Difficulty Respecting Boundaries

Teen girl holds up hand in stop sign
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Whether it’s refusing to follow bedtime routines, skipping school, or ignoring basic household expectations, kids with ODD often struggle with boundaries. Their defiance is often a response to feeling overwhelmed or unsure how to navigate the boundaries.

How to Handle It:
Set consistent boundaries and communicate them clearly, ensuring your expectations are simple and manageable. Too many rules can feel overwhelming, so focus on a few key ones and make them explicit. Acknowledge their efforts when they follow through.

If they resist, follow through on clearly communicated consequences. These should be delivered clearly and empathetically and should not be punitive. For example, “If bedtime isn’t followed, there won’t be extra storytime tomorrow. This helps us stay on schedule and get enough rest.”

The focus should remain on teaching rather than punishing or controlling your child. By pairing consistent, empathetic boundaries with positive reinforcement, you’ll create a structure where your child feels safe and supported while learning accountability.

Hostility Toward Authority Figures

Young male teacher and schoolboy in the classroom
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Children with ODD might show resistance or outright hostility toward teachers, parents, or other authority figures. They may challenge instructions, question rules, or even act disrespectfully when feeling cornered or powerless.

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How to Handle It:
Rather than demanding immediate obedience, aim to build a foundation of trust and respect. Start by validating their feelings: “It seems like you’re upset about what your teacher asked you to do. Can you tell me more about that?” This opens the door for connection and problem-solving rather than escalating the conflict.

At the same time, maintain consistent boundaries—respect doesn’t mean letting go of expectations. For example, if they argue about chores, you might say, “I understand you don’t want to do this, but we all have responsibilities. How about we do it together this time?” By balancing empathy with structure, you can teach them how to navigate authority figures with confidence and respect.

Frequent Arguing

teenage patient in cap screaming while sitting near psychologist on blurred foreground, banner
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Arguing can feel like a constant battle, and it might feel like your child argues about everything. These debates can feel exhausting, but they’re often a sign that your child is testing boundaries or struggling with self-regulation.

How to Handle It:
Shift your mindset, and consider which limits are the most important. If the issue isn’t critical, consider letting it go to avoid reinforcing the behavior. When an argument arises, show up with empathy and keep your responses brief. Use reflective listening to show you hear them: “I understand that you don’t like this rule, but it’s there for a reason.”

Avoid getting drawn into lengthy debates, as this can escalate the conflict. Afterward, find a quiet moment to discuss how disagreements can be handled more constructively in the future. By modeling calm and respectful communication, you provide a blueprint for healthier interactions.

Struggles With Emotional Regulation

depression teen girl cried
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Kids with ODD often experience intense emotions that feel too big to manage. These outbursts can look like explosive anger over small frustrations or shutting down completely when overwhelmed. This isn’t bad behavior—it’s often a sign they lack the tools to regulate their emotions effectively.

How to Handle It:
Teach emotional regulation through co-regulation first. Tend to your own emotions so you can model the behavior you want to see during challenging situations. For example, let them see you practicing soothing techniques like deep breathing. Offer coping strategies such as squeezing a stress ball, taking a break, or using words to express feelings.

Set consistent boundaries about acceptable behavior while remaining empathetic: “It’s okay to feel upset, but yelling makes it hard for us to talk. Let’s use calmer voices.” Over time, your support will help them build internal tools to handle their emotions more constructively.

Challenges in Peer Relationships

Little boy bullying his classmate on dark background
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Kids with ODD may struggle to maintain friendships. They might feel misunderstood by peers, frequently argue with classmates, or prefer playing alone to avoid social challenges.

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How to Handle It:
Model healthy social skills during family interactions. Show them how to take turns, listen actively, and express themselves respectfully. Role-play scenarios they might encounter with friends, such as resolving a disagreement or joining a group activity.

Encourage playdates with peers in structured environments where you can observe and gently guide interactions. Praise their efforts to connect with others: “You did a great job sharing your toy with Alex!” If conflicts arise, help them reflect without shaming: “What could we do differently next time to make playing more fun for everyone?” These strategies will build their social confidence over time.

A Need for Control

Little girl shouting in megaphone
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Kids with ODD often exhibit a strong need for control over their environment. They may argue, refuse requests, or try to dictate how situations unfold. This isn’t about being “bossy”—it’s often a response to feeling powerless in other areas of their life.

How to Handle It:
Offer opportunities for autonomy within clear boundaries. For example, let them choose between two options: “Do you want to brush your teeth first or pick out pajamas?” This helps them feel a sense of control without letting go of structure.

When they push back, stay calm and empathetic. Consistently following through on limits shows them you’re in charge while still respecting their need for agency. Over time, balancing firmness with flexibility will teach them how to share control in healthier ways.

Low Self-Esteem

Depressed teen boy sitting alone
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Kids with ODD often struggle with feelings of inadequacy, even if they don’t openly express it. This can show up as self-critical comments (“I can’t do anything right”), giving up easily when faced with challenges, or acting out as a defense mechanism to mask their insecurity.

How to Handle It:
Focus on strengths rather than weaknesses. Celebrate their efforts and progress rather than just outcomes: “I saw how hard you worked on that puzzle—even when it got tricky. That shows perseverance!” Avoid comparisons to siblings or peers, which can deepen feelings of inadequacy.

Help them reframe negative thoughts by acknowledging their struggles while encouraging growth. Give them opportunities to make choices and take on responsibilities, which can build confidence in their abilities.

Model self-compassion by talking openly about your own mistakes and how you handle them. Over time, these practices help them see that mistakes are part of learning and that they’re capable and valued just as they are.