A Partridge in a Pear Tree Craft

Heather Johnson

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A Partridge in a Pear Tree Craft

On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me a partridge in a pear tree. For the first day of Christmas this year, my daughter and I made some simple but pretty paper partridges in pear trees.



  1. Cut the brown construction into large and small rectangles to form a tree truck and branches.
  2. Cut the green construction paper into leaf shapes.
  3. Cut the yellow construction paper into pear shapes.
  4. Cut the orange construction paper into the shape of a bird.
  5. Glue the brown tree pieces onto the blue paper.
  6. Glue the green leaves onto the brown branches.
  7. Glue the yellow pears among the green leaves.
  8. Glue the orange bird on a brown branch.
  9. Display the partridge in a pear tree.

Paper Pieces for the Partridge in a Pear Tree Paper Pear Tree with Bare Branches

Gluing the Leaves on the Pear Tree Gluing the Pears on the Pear Tree

Gluing the Partridge on the Pear Tree A Partridge in a Pear Tree

Also check out the rest of my Twelve Days of Christmas crafts.

Image Credits

Paper Pieces for the Partridge in a Pear Tree © 2015 Heather Johnson
Paper Pear Tree with Bare Branches © 2015 Heather Johnson
Gluing the Leaves on the Pear Tree © 2015 Heather Johnson
Gluing the Pears on the Pear Tree © 2015 Heather Johnson
Gluing the Partridge on the Pear Tree © 2015 Heather Johnson
A Partridge in a Pear Tree © 2015 Heather Johnson

See also  Red Apple Paper Plate Toddler Craft