Four Calling Birds Craft

Four Calling Birds Craft

Four Calling Birds Craft

On the fourth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me four calling birds, three French hens, two turtle doves, and a partridge in a pear tree. For the fourth day of Christmas this year, my daughter and I crafted four calling birds from construction paper, yarn, and jewels.



  1. Cut four bird shapes from one color of construction paper.
  2. Cut the yarn into medium length pieces.
  3. Glue the yarn onto the tales of the bird shapes.
  4. Glue the birds onto the second color of construction paper with the yarn side down.
  5. Decorate the birds with jewels.
  6. Display the four calling birds.

Materials for Four Calling Birds Craft Gluing the Yarn Tales on the Calling Birds

Gluing the Four Calling Birds to the Full Sheet of Paper Decorating the Calling Birds with Jewels

Four Calling Birds Craft

Also check out the rest of my Twelve Days of Christmas crafts.

Image Credits

Four Calling Birds Craft © 2015 Heather Johnson
Materials for Four Calling Birds Craft © 2015 Heather Johnson
Gluing the Yarn Tales on the Calling Birds © 2015 Heather Johnson
Gluing the Four Calling Birds to the Full Sheet of Paper © 2015 Heather Johnson
Decorating the Calling Birds with Jewels © 2015 Heather Johnson
Four Calling Birds Craft © 2015 Heather Johnson

See also  Making a Simple Candy Cane Christmas Wreath