Sensory Snow Globe Penguin Craft

Sensory Snow Globe Penguin Craft

Sensory Snow Globe Penguin Craft

I love doing multi-sensory projects with my kiddos. Both children especially love exploring their sense of touch. For a recent winter craft, my daughter and I made an adorable sensory snow globe penguin.



  1. Paint the front of one paper plate with the black paint.
  2. Allow the paint to dry thoroughly.
  3. Cut a circle from a second paper plate.
  4. Pour some corn syrup, glitter, and small beads into the plastic bag.
  5. Seal the plastic bag.
  6. Tape the plastic bag around the paper plate circle.
  7. Glue the circle to the center of the black paper plate.
  8. Cut one large circle and two long ovals from the black paper.
  9. Cut one square and two feet from the orange paper.
  10. Fold the orange square in half.
  11. Glue two wiggle eyes and the folded square to the black circle to create a face.
  12. Glue the head on the top of the black paper plate.
  13. Glue the black ovals to the sides of the black paper plate.
  14. Glue the orange feet to the bottom back of the back paper plate.
  15. Tie the pink pipe cleaner into a bow.
  16. Glue the bow to the top side of the head of the penguin.
  17. Play with and display the sensory snow globe penguin craft.

Painting the Paper Plate Black Glitter, Corn Syrup, and Plastic Bag

Glitter, Corn Syrup, and Beads in Plastic Bag Taping the Glitter Bag to a Paper Plate Circle

Gluing the Glitter Bag Circle to the Black Plate Glitter Bag Glued to the Black Plate

Penguin Head, Wings, Beak, and Feet Assembling the Penguin Pieces

Finished Sensory Snow Globe Penguin Craft

For more fun penguin crafts, try my Paper Plate Penguin Craft, P Is for Penguin Handprint Craft, and Paper Tube Penguins Craft.

See also  Snowy Owl Paper Plate Craft

Image Credits

Sensory Snow Globe Penguin Craft © 2015 Heather Johnson
Painting the Paper Plate Black © 2015 Heather Johnson
Glitter, Corn Syrup, and Plastic Bag © 2015 Heather Johnson
Glitter, Corn Syrup, and Beads in Plastic Bag © 2015 Heather Johnson
Taping the Glitter Bag to a Paper Plate Circle © 2015 Heather Johnson
Gluing the Glitter Bag Circle to the Black Plate © 2015 Heather Johnson
Glitter Bag Glued to the Black Plate © 2015 Heather Johnson
Penguin Head, Wings, Beak, and Feet © 2015 Heather Johnson
Assembling the Penguin Pieces © 2015 Heather Johnson
Finished Sensory Snow Globe Penguin Craft © 2015 Heather Johnson