Cupcake Liner Apple Tree Craft

Heather Johnson

Cupcake Liner Apple Tree Craft

My kiddos and I love making crafts for each season of the year. Apples are a favorite craft subject during the autumn season. For an easy but fun fall craft, my children and I used construction paper, cupcake liners, dot markers, and craft pompoms to make an orchard of apple trees.



  1. Flatten the cupcake liners.
  2. Use the green dot markers to color each cupcake liner green.
  3. Cut a trunk from the brown paper.
  4. Glue the brown trunk to the bottom of the blue paper.
  5. Glue the green cupcake liners around the top of the trunk.
  6. Glue green, yellow, or red craft pompoms on the green cupcake liners.
  7. Display the cupcake liner apple trees.

Materials for Cupcake Liner Apple Tree Craft Cupcake Liners for the Cupcake Liner Apple Tree Craft

Coloring the Cupcake Liners for the Cupcake Liner Apple Tree Craft Green Cupcake Liners for the Cupcake Liner Apple Tree Craft

Brown Trunk for the Cupcake Liner Apple Tree Craft Gluing Green Cupcake Liners on the Cupcake Liner Apple Tree Craft

Gluing Pompom Apples on the Cupcake Liner Apple Tree Craft Red Apple Cupcake Liner Apple Tree Craft

Yellow Apple Cupcake Liner Apple Tree Craft Green Apple Cupcake Liner Apple Tree Craft

Finished Cupcake Liner Apple Tree Crafts

For more fun tree crafts, try my Autumn Tree Handprint-Footprint Craft, Autumn Apple Tree Handprint-Footprint Craft, Four Seasons Handprint Trees Craft, Torn Paper and Cupcake Liner Halloween Ghost Tree Craft, T Is for Tree Handprint-Footprint Craft, A Partridge in a Pear Tree Craft, and Valentine’s Day ‘I’m Falling for You’ Handprint Tree Craft.

Image Credits

Cupcake Liner Apple Tree Craft © 2017 Heather Johnson
Materials for Cupcake Liner Apple Tree Craft © 2017 Heather Johnson
Cupcake Liners for the Cupcake Liner Apple Tree Craft © 2017 Heather Johnson
Coloring the Cupcake Liners for the Cupcake Liner Apple Tree Craft © 2017 Heather Johnson
Green Cupcake Liners for the Cupcake Liner Apple Tree Craft © 2017 Heather Johnson
Brown Trunk for the Cupcake Liner Apple Tree Craft © 2017 Heather Johnson
Gluing Green Cupcake Liners on the Cupcake Liner Apple Tree Craft © 2017 Heather Johnson
Gluing Pompom Apples on the Cupcake Liner Apple Tree Craft © 2017 Heather Johnson
Red Apple Cupcake Liner Apple Tree Craft © 2017 Heather Johnson
Yellow Apple Cupcake Liner Apple Tree Craft © 2017 Heather Johnson
Green Apple Cupcake Liner Apple Tree Craft © 2017 Heather Johnson
Finished Cupcake Liner Apple Tree Crafts © 2017 Heather Johnson

See also  Halloween Owl Handprint-Footprint Craft